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The world's only accurate cancer detection technology in 1 hour

Обновлено: 21 февр. 2019 г.

Oncologist, Director of " NPP "Biochip" told Ruslan Stanchev about the benefits of biochips, interest in the development of representatives of foreign countries, as well as ways to reduce cancer mortality

The topic of medicine in General and the fight against serious diseases in particular is one of the key. The name of your company "Biochip" immediately tells us what you actually produce. But tell me, what is a biochip? When did you start their production? And how do they help people?

A biochip is a system that a doctor uses to diagnose. That is, it is not intended for use by the patient. This is a specialized tool. With it, we can within one hour to conduct a high-precision diagnosis. But we must understand that this is not a screening test, but a test that allows you to quickly, accurately and, if necessary, remotely make the correct diagnosis.

This is the only accurate technology in the world that can work within the polyclinic. An analogue of it can be the creation of a laboratory worth more than 10 million rubles, which should provide large flows of [patients], otherwise the research will cost space money. Naturally, no country in the world implements such things in polyclinics. But patients contrast also there.

We have no direct competitors among biochips. Our product is the only one in the world and looks morphology, and makes molecular genetic analysis. There are techniques based on the whole cycle of activities that have their drawbacks: it is a high complexity, and duration, and the need for staff and laboratory. The biochip doesn't need all that.

So one of its competitive advantages is speed? A person comes to the clinic with a suspicion of health problems, passes biomaterial and an hour later receives the test results and diagnosis?

Yes, you understand correctly.

And if there is no biochip, how does it happen? This is a long procedure, computed tomography…

We do not exclude tomography from the standard examination, but the diagnosis of "cancer" is put only morphologically. No other way to put it impossible. Indeed, if you imagine a situation where a patient from a remote area comes with a complaint against some lump, it is usually sent to Nizhny Novgorod.

And it could be months before he gets here, before he signs up.

But under Federal orders it is given 14 days, but regional – 10 days, dates, unfortunately, are not respected.

If a person lives in a remote area, and there is your device, we can already talk about telemedicine, allowing a person to be diagnosed remotely. How does this work in your case?

We have developed a comprehensive product consisting of a biochip, a scanner that digitizes data and conventional methods, and a biochip, as well as special software for data transmission, which complies with legal acts in the field of personal data protection.

That is, the biochip is somewhere in the region, and your laboratory is in Nizhny Novgorod. And she gets this data over the Internet. How long does it take? An hour?

A few more, because it takes time to laboratory the district hospital conducted all the manipulations, launched the scanner - up to three hours. But this is incomparable to a week or even a month of waiting.

How widespread is this technology in Russia today? How often can your technology be met?

We use biochips in the framework of scientific protocols in Moscow, Cheboksary, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-don. Now we are waiting for the registration certificate. Ironically and paradoxically, we currently have the opportunity to sell our technology abroad, but we have no right to sell it in Russia.

How did this happen?

This is a question for the officials of Roszdravnadzor. Today's requirements for the registration of products in Russia are extremely unfinished.

What is your attitude to your development abroad? Do you want to buy your business, become its owner? Abroad, people have a different attitude to this – they embrace promising know-how in medicine, because they are fighting for the salvation of human life, for its extension. How are your relations in the West?

They want to work with us. I have previously announced this information in Moscow-we have signed an agreement with the Arab venture Fund to establish a joint venture in Riyadh. This issue is currently being worked out, we are writing a road map. Plus, we have an interest from the Swiss partners – a private company that is also interested in joint production. This means that the technology will not be disclosed to them, but an Assembly plant will be created.

And your current Assembly plant is located in Nizhny Novgorod?

Yes, in Nizhny Novgorod.

If we talk about Western medicine, everyone knows that it is actively trying to find a cure for cancer, to create new technologies to combat it. By the way, if we talk about statistics, as you know, the percentage of doctors ' victories over the disease every year is higher: because of the screening, because of the development of technologies such as yours, etc. How much do people in Russia understand that their health should be monitored, checked, tested periodically, and not wait for the day when it will be too late? And what does it look like if we compare Russia with other countries?

In comparison with the statistics of morbidity, which can be based on, we have increased detection of a number of pathologies. This, of course, depends on the patient's desire to be examined. But there are several ways to improve the situation. For example, in relation to patients who do not go to be examined, or employers who do not conduct medical examination, it is necessary to apply some measures to stimulate them.

Force? To put in the conditions of "not checked – not come to work", as it works, for example, in Germany?

I was recently at a seminar where the question of depriving the CHI of people who do not go to be examined was just discussed. Or it is easier to influence employers.

But what is missing? Information? Propaganda in the media? How to motivate people? How to instill a new culture of attitude to your health?

I think that in Russia, given our mentality and unyielding confidence in their own right to work only with the help of gingerbread will not work. It is necessary to legally push people to ensure that they go to the survey. But at the same time it is necessary to make the diagnostic system available, and not just put people in a rigid framework, when they have nowhere to go and pass tests. At the same time, it is necessary to make people understand that screening should not be afraid – it is a non-invasive procedure, it is not harmful to health.

You are quite a young man, you have a successful company, which is interested in foreign partners, your technology is unique. And I know dozens of examples when people with such initial data went abroad, where they became extremely successful. Why didn't you leave? It's a question without subtext – I'm really interested. Have you noticed that the cadres are beginning to return to Russia from abroad, as we are told by officials? Say, in our country began to establish the conditions that our minds evolved and was revealed here, was to serve and benefit his countrymen.

I'm used to going against the current. That is why we have a unique project that has no analogues. I believe that we need to change the format of thinking: people living in Russia deserve to receive exactly the same assistance as in the West. If we do not put the interests of our fellow citizens at the forefront, it will lead to negative consequences. There was a time when people left Russia. My colleague from Germany says,"I don't think I should eat, what I should wear, and how I should go to rest." In Russia, these thoughts are still there. But we need to move forward, not look at the people who have left.

We started talking about telemedicine-it's a breakthrough story. If this is implemented everywhere, people will become healthier, happier and, importantly, less likely to die. This was said by the Minister of health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, when she came to the Nizhny Novgorod region and met with Gleb Nikitin, this was said by the regional Minister of health Anton Shaklunov. How real is telemedicine today? How long will it take to, for example, in Vorsma, Vorotynets, Sokolsky, this technology has earned and in remote areas of the Nizhny Novgorod region, people can use it to quickly learn about their own health? So they do not sit for years waiting in queues in clinics. Did the beginning of this topic happen in our region?

Let's divide telemedicine into two large segments: "doctor-doctor" and "doctor-patient". The first format was implemented in the Nizhny Novgorod region for a long time – more than ten years ago – in the regional hospital. Semashko. My colleagues and I in the medical Academy implemented a project on telemedicine, and our professors advised doctors from district hospitals. That is, the "doctor-doctor"system is being implemented without any problems.

Is this done over the phone? Skype?

Now - on a closed VPN channel to comply with the Federal law on the protection of personal data. This happens in a video conference format.

That is, the system "doctor-doctor" debugged and works in the Nizhny Novgorod region. And "doctor-patient"?

That's harder. The doctor needs to see the patient. And the initial consultation, in my opinion, should be in person. Except, perhaps, with some pathology associated with external localization. For example, in our medical Academy application launched, with which you can see the mole.

Re-admission, when you have already seen the patient, and you have an understanding that it can be carried out already with the help of telemedicine. For example, just to see the results. But the first reception, I repeat, should be full-time.

And if, as you say, it is a problem with the external manifestation…

Mole, maybe. Suspected melanoma.

Yes. To date for this consultation simply transfer the video?


Today Nizhny Novgorod region has such technical capabilities? I suspect that the Internet we are everywhere, but there is enough of it in order for such data transfer? To what extent will people in remote areas of the Nizhny Novgorod region be able to understand what they will need to do? I just imagine a grandmother of conditional Voskresensky district. What about it?

If we talk about the readiness of the Nizhny Novgorod region on the Internet, I can not answer for all areas, but, in our experience, we abandoned the networks in hospitals and send data via 4G modems. With regards to grandmothers - you need to organize consultations on the basis of CRH. That is, between a doctor in Nizhny Novgorod and a patient in The region should be a mediator who will set everything up technically.

It turns out, the grandmother comes to regional hospital, and there to her help to connect everything...

Yeah, but it's my vision, like I would.

The topic of Oncology is one of the most sick topics in the world today. Statistics is sad, and every year there are new and new nuances around it. Every person has a story when someone from his environment faced this problem. What direction in the fight against these diseases is currently developing the fastest? What is the future today? Yet the dream of man to invent a "pill against cancer" is one of the fundamental. What work is being done in this direction?

Based on the data of research publications and start – UPS in the US and Russia, we can say that the main trend is the development of targeted drug therapy. Next comes radiation therapy-modern devices have amazing capabilities.

By the way, there are enough of them in Russia, as far as I know.

Yes, we had a state program on radiation therapy. In our Nizhny Novgorod Oncology center there are some of the most modern installations.

In General, there are three ways to reduce mortality from cancer. The first is early diagnosis, the second is targeted therapy, the third is correct statistics.


https:/ /www.rbc .ru/nn/20/03/2018/5ab0b9269a794745192f0e12

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