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Therapeutic properties of mud

Обновлено: 21 февр. 2019 г.

Almost all of us have ever doctors prescribed various physiotherapy procedures, which were required to go to the clinic. But some techniques from the Arsenal of physiotherapy can be successfully used at home. And above all-mud treatment.

About" physiotherapy at home "" VP " asked to tell Vera KIRYANOV, MD, Professor, chief specialist in physiotherapy of St. Petersburg, head of the Department of physiotherapy and medical rehabilitation of the SSMU named After I. I. Mechnikov.

- Physiotherapy-treatment of natural factors: water, sun, mud. When in 1878, at the Imperial Institute of improvement of doctors was opened the world's first Department "of the Physical therapies non-drug therapy", Professor Vladimir Adol'fovich Rod lectured about balneotherapy, massage, physical therapy and kumiss. Methods of hardware physiotherapy began to be used a little later, but their availability played a cruel joke with physiotherapy. Under physiotherapy in the first place all began to understand some hardware methods, and the waters and mud forget, considering them the prerogative of Spa treatment. Nevertheless, for 125 years, physiotherapists warm, stimulate, release baths, mud.

Mud therapy is one of the effective methods of therapy and medical rehabilitation of patients. This method is especially popular in resort practice. In Russia, such resorts are in Staraya Russa, Pskov, Anapa and Sestroretsk.

Mud (peloids) - natural formations that have arisen under the influence of complex geological and biological processes. They consist of water, mineral, organic and biologically active substances.

The main part of the therapeutic mud-crystal "skeleton", consisting of insoluble or insoluble minerals and clay skeleton, including silica, alumina and so on.

Therapeutic qualities of therapeutic mud largely determine the microelements contained in it: manganese, zinc, copper, cobalt, lithium, molybdenum, iodine, bromine and others. The combination of trace elements is individual for each field of therapeutic mud!

In nature, there are three main types of therapeutic muds: silt, sapropelic and peat.

Silt sulfide mud is formed in saline water bodies-lakes, seas, estuaries, and they are often called mineral or inorganic peloids, as their mud solution is rich in water-soluble salts and contains little organic matter. 

Sapropelic mud is formed at the bottom of fresh water bodies from the decomposition of microscopically small plants and animals inhabiting the reservoir, and therefore characterized by a high content of organic substances (including fatty acids, amino acids, hormone - and antibiotic-like substances).

Peat mud is formed in swampy areas due to the decomposition of organic substances of plant nature. Especially valuable in the balneological relation are the peat impregnated with mineral waters and being in a high degree of decomposition.

Therapeutic mud has a complex physiological and therapeutic effect of the whole complex of its components. In particular, under the influence of mud improves blood circulation, lymph circulation, metabolic processes, normalized redox processes, improves tissue respiration, stimulated regeneration processes. Mud have anti-inflammatory effect, increase joint mobility, normalize muscle tone and improve skin condition.

Remember: the action of the mud procedure is not limited to the time of its conduct, there is a period of aftereffect. The effect of each procedure is summarized and steadily fixed.

To enhance the effect of impurities by combining with the impact of electric current, ultrasound ,variable high-frequency, magnetic field infrared radiation.

Indications for mud treatment

1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including arthritis and polyarthritis in remission, osteochondrosis with various neuralgic manifestations, the consequences of fractures, chronic bursitis, myalgia, chronic osteomyelitis.

2. Diseases of the nervous system, including neuralgia, neuritis, polyneuritis, inflammatory radiculitis, degeneration of the vertebral discs with various neuralgic manifestations, the consequences of root injuries, plexus of nerve trunks.

3. Diseases of the genitourinary organs, including chronic inflammatory diseases of the uterus and its appendages.

4. Diseases of the digestive system, including gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, chronic colitis, enterocolitis, chronic cholecystitis, conditions after removal of the gallbladder (4 — 5 months after surgery), chronic pancreatitis, the consequences of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity.

5. Diseases of the ear, throat, nose, including chronic tonsillitis, chronic laryngitis, neuritis of the auditory nerve.

6. Diseases of the skin, including chronic form of eczema, limited forms of neurodermatitis, psoriasis, cicatricial changes of the skin, athlete's foot.. 


Note: there are contraindications to mud treatment. So, before you get into the mud to the ears in the literal sense of the word — as, in fact, do vacationers who are near the mud source — you need to consult a doctor.

Common for all types of mud contraindications to mud:

- acute phases of the inflammatory process or exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases;

- acute injury period;

— systemic diseases of the blood;

- malignant and benign tumors;

- bleeding and predisposition to bleeding. 

For healing mud is not necessary to go beyond the distant sea 

Near St. Petersburg has its own mud deposits. Of these, the largest and most unique — Sestroretsky. These muds are Cambrian clays, deposits of which arose on the site of the lagoon deposits of the ancient sea. Over time, the clay was oxidized by bacteria and turned into a healing mud sulfate-ferrous composition. And if most of the mud is somewhere at the bottom of modern seas, our located on land, under sandy sediments, only at a depth of five meters.

A very effective, therapeutic mud of the lake Sivash. By the way, for the first time a full range of studies of therapeutic mud of the Gulf of Sivash Chaplyn Deposit of the Kherson region was carried out relatively recently, in 2004 — 2010. The unique healing properties of the therapeutic mud of Sivash Bay revealed as a result of research exceeded all expectations and aroused great interest. Here, he writes published in the German magazine "Recipes for health" №5, may 2010 "...In the Western part of the Gulf of Sivash, where the salt content in the water is the highest, recently discovered therapeutic mud with very interesting properties. Today we can say with confidence that the mud found belongs to the best therapeutic mud on earth and is not inferior in its properties or all known Saka mud or mud of the Dead sea". In 2010, this mud was certified in Germany, a year later-in Russia. The formula of chemical composition of mud is complex and rich. Contains including magnesium, copper, iodine, calcium, rich in microalgae (including rare Dunaliella Salina) beta-carotene.

This mud is successfully used in the treatment of a variety of ailments, has a pronounced effect on the skin, nails, hair, which is used in cosmetology.

How to use mud?

We open the package (packages with mud from various fields are sold everywhere), mix the mud to a uniform state. Then heat it in a water bath to 38-40 degrees, that is, to a comfortable body temperature (in any case, do not boil the dirt!).

The patient area is quickly lubricated with warm dirt (layer thickness-up to a centimeter), close the rough canvas (or thick linen cloth), then — plastic wrap or oilcloth, and on top and wrap a warm cloth (suitable blanket, wool scarf, blanket).

The duration of the procedure is from 15 to 30 minutes. Then you need to wash off the dirt with warm water and wipe the skin dry. Only wipe gently without tearing off the skin.

Usually mud treatments are prescribed every other day. Course - from 12 to 18 procedures.

The mud can be used repeatedly, except of cases when you need to treat fungal infections. Then each procedure will require a new portion of healing mud.

But still, before you start "for dirt", you need to visit either the attending physician or the physiotherapist.

Put on the" iron mask " of dirt

Dirt can be used as a cosmetic mask for the face. This mask improves metabolism, activates water-salt metabolism, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, promotes resorption of scars. Good mask for eczema and acne.

How to make mask

First, wash your face (or wipe with lotion). Then cover the mud mask with oilcloth with cutouts for the nose and eyes. In General, from you should make a character from the "Iron mask". But the mask should not be worn for many years, but only 10 — 15 minutes, then wash it off with water. If you have dry skin, you should then lubricate it with olive or corn oil.


http: //www. vppress. ru/stories/Podlechitsya-gryazyami-mozhno-ne-vykhodya-iz-doma-21717

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